Believe it or not, in the desert, big white puffy clouds are hard to come by.  Typically, we are locked into a high pressure static weather pattern that nets solid blue skies which are boring, and sometimes I opt to use AI sky replacements just to spice up the image creatively.

Today, the weather forecast was strong winds with clouds, so I headed out to experiment with shooting time-lapse with the Fujifilm GFX100s. The ultra-wide angle Laowa 15 is good for two things – A manual focus lens and great clarity for shooting the broad landscapes of the Red Rock Canyon.  I happened to also bring along and set up the Sony FX30 and shoot video at 2fps which translates to time-lapse visuals. Lastly, the “ace” was the Insta30 Ace Pro which turns out to be the best tool for this “job” as you will discern in the video below.

What struck me has I was assembling this snippet, a poem about clouds would really be the cherry on top…and, this poem was perfect I thought.  A dash of sugar, if you will.

The Parade of Clouds by Shreya Sharma

As I lie on my back,
Gazing up at the sky.
I see two fleecy lambs,
Bounding by.

And all of a sudden,
What do I see?
Why, a big polar bear,
Glaring down at me.

Now there’s a dragon,
Breathing white fire.
And it’s replaced in a poof!
By a monkey swinging in a tire.

The parade continues,
With a ship floating on a white sea.
Then there’s an elephant,
Waving its trunk at me.

Watching the clouds is so much fun,
They are whatever you want to see.
All that is needed,
Is to let your imagination run free.

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Robert Baker Photography Featured ImageI have been shooting for $$ since 2000 opening my shop with a Nikon D1. I am primarily interested in shooting adventure lifestyle and travel with a host of my day-to-day clients being within the industrial sector. Many of my editorial stock photos have been published in all major news outlets, with my primary focus is distributing my images on a client-by-client basis to ensure their branding is unique and compelling.



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